Sonor Drum

"Sonor drums have several unique design features, including under-sized shells, a unique vertical/stave drumshell design, and tension rods which are round and feature a slot instead of the traditional square style."

Pearl Drum

Pearl created several creative drum products, such as shells in the 70s that were made of a composite called "wood fibreglass." Additionally, Pearl combined roto-toms and these wood-fiber shells to create the Vari-Pitch line of drums.

Yamaha Drum

The longest-running series Yamaha has made, in production for some 30 years now. A professional series of drum kits featuring 100% Birch wood and YESS mounts. Birch is punchy with a low fundamental tone and short decay. Also features a large, high-mass lug that extends the length of the shell.
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Grid Tape


Edit part of header

Posted by Ebenheizer

Untuk mengedit bagian header nya maka perlu dibuka bagian Edit HTMLnya kemudian cari bagian berikut :

/* The Top */

#top {

pada tulisan berwarna merah merupakan alamat dari gambar yang akan ditampilkan..
sedangkan no-repeat berarti gambarnya tidak di tampilkan ulang.
gambar yang akan dipasang berukuran 1000x158 px jika melebihi size tersebut maka
gambar akan terpotong.

Video And News mini thumbnails

Posted by Ebenheizer

Sekarang kita akan membahas 2 fitur lainnya yang berada pada sebelah kanan page, yaitu video dan top 5..

Pertama untuk video..
code untuk video bisa didapatkan dari web asal video tersebut, contoh nya seperti CS:Source
Yang harus diperhatikan adalah ukuran video tersebut harus diganti dengan width 320pixel dan height 255pixel..

Setelah mendapatkan kodenya, masuk ke bagian Layout, lalu Add Page Element..
Di bagian kanan ada bagia video, klik edit lalu masukkan codenya ke box yang ada..
Setelah itu tinggal klik save dan beres!!..

Lalu yang kedua adalah Top 5..

Masuk ke bagian Layout, Lalu Add Page Element, lalu cari Featlist pada bagian kanan lalu klik edit..

Pada box yang ada, masukkan code di bawah ini:

<div class="fblock"> <img src="YOUR-IMAGE-SOURCE-HERE" width="80" height="55" alt="" /> <h2><a href="YOUR-POST-LINK-HERE" title=" HOVER-TITLE ">YOUR POST TITLE </a></h2> <div class="auth"> Posted by AUTHOR </div> <div class="fmeta"> MM-DD-YY </div> </div>

Lalu klik Save Template..

Jangan lupa mengganti kata2 yang dicetak biru sesuai kebutuhan anda:

YOUR-IMAGE-SOURCE-HERE dengan sumber gambar
YOUR-POST-LINK-HERE dengan link ke post anda
HOVER-TITLE dengan deskripsi anda
YOUR POST TITLE dengan judul post anda
AUTHOR dengan nama anda
MM-DD-YY dengan tanggal dari post

Tab Content

Posted by Ebenheizer

Tab adalah menu dengan isi yang dapat berubah-ubah sesuai tab yang diklik..

Terletak di bawah Image Slider dan Sebelum post..

letaknya seperti ini:


Tab terdiri dari 3 macam tab..

Sebenarnya cara menggantinya sama seperti sebelumnya..

Masuk ke Add Page Element lalu klik edit, dan masukkan code ke box yang kosong..

Namun untuk tab ada cara yang sedikit tricky..
Jadi ketika ada nama TABDIV itu adalah untuk tab pertama, klik edit..
Jika ingin mengganti tab lain, tinggal klik di bagian atasnya yang terlihat kosong, ada 3 posisi, maka bagian bawahnya kaan berganti..
Sebagai contoh:


Untuk mengganti isi tab pertama, masukkan code di bawah ini:

<li> <a href="YOUR-REFERRAL-LINK-HERE" rel="bookmark" title=""><img src="ADS-IMAGE-SOURCE-HERE" alt="" /></a> </li>
<li> <a href="YOUR-REFERRAL-LINK-HERE" rel="bookmark" title=""><img src=" ADS-IMAGE-SOURCE-HERE " alt="" /></a> </li>
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<li> <a href="YOUR-REFERRAL-LINK-HERE" rel="bookmark" title=""><img src=" ADS-IMAGE-SOURCE-HERE" alt="" /></a> </li>

Lalu ganti isi yang dicetak biru dengan kebutuhan anda..

Seperti sebelumnya..
Link diisi dengan alamat yang ingin dituju..
Image Source diisi dengan link ke gambar yang ingin ditampilkan..

Untuk mengganti isi tab kedua sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anda, karena tab tersebut ditujukan untuk 'About Us', jadi diisi tentang anda..

Untuk mengganti isi tab ketiga, masukkan code di bawah ini:

<div class="rblock">
<img src="YOUR-IMAGE-SOURCE-HERE" width="80" height="55" alt="" />
<h2><a href="YOUR-POST-LINK-HERE" title="HOVER-TITLE">YOUR POST TITLE</a></h2>
<div class="auth"> MM-DD-YY</div>

Lalu ganti text yang dicetak biru seperti biasa..

Image source dengan sumber gambar..
Post link dengan alamat tujuan..
Title untuk judul yang ditampilkan..
MM-DD-YY dengan tanggal pembuatan post tersebut..
Copy code di atas untuk menampilkan beberapa post sekaligus

Content Glider

Posted by Ebenheizer

Content glider memiliki cara yang mirip dengan image slider..
Namun memiliki fitur yang lebih menarik ,karena ukuran yang lebih besar dan juga ketika mouse diarahkan, anda bisa menambahkan deskripsi..

Content gilder memiliki bentuk seperti ini:

Caranya masuk ke bagian Add Page Element lalu cari bagian content glider lalu pilih edit..

Di box yang ada masukkan code di bawah ini:

<div class="glidecontent">
<div class="glidemeta">
<a href="TARGETED-LINK-ADDRESS" title="title" > <img src="IMAGE-SOURCE-ADDRESS" width="620" height="220" alt="title"/> </a>

Ganti bagian yang berwarna BIRU sesuai kebutuhan anda..
diganti dengan apa saja??
try to figure it out.. :)
gampang kok..
tambahan : Short Description adalah deskripsi dari artikel anda yang akan muncul ketika mouse diarahkan ke kotak tersebut..

Jika ingin menambah isi,anda dapat mengcopy paste kode di atas lalu ganti sesuai kebutuhan

Image Slider

Posted by Ebenheizer

Image slider adalah sebuah link dengan gambar-gambar thumbnail yang bisa anda tentukan sendiri..Image slider seperti di bawah ini:


Cara mengganti isinya sangat mudah..

Seperti biasa pertama masuk ke bagian Layout lalu Add Page Element

Cari elemen yang bernama Image Slider lalu klik edit..

Copy paste code di bawah ini ke box yang ada:

<div class="panel">
<a href="YOUR-LINK-ADDRESS-HERE" title="HOVER-TITLE-HERE" > <img src="IMAGE-SOURCE-ADDRESS-HERE" width="160" height="110" alt="HOVER-IMAGE-HERE"/> </a>

Sesuaikan kode di atas tanpa merubah bagian yang berwarna merah..

YOUR-LINK-ADDRESS-HERE diganti dengan link ke alamat post anda..

HOVER-TITLE-HERE dan HOVER-IMAGE-HERE diganti dengan judul ketika mouse diarahkan..

IMAGE-SOURCE-ADDRESS-HERE diganti dengan alamat dimana gambar diletakkan..

Jika ingin menambah lebih dari satu link, tinggal copy paste code di atas berulang-ulang..

selamat mencoba..

Customizing the content of FOX and CAT MENU

Posted by Ebenheizer

Pertama kita akan membahas tentang Fox dan Cat menu..

apa seh menu2 itu?? kok nama2 binatang??

nah buat contoh, template pertama anda akan seperti ini


nah di banner yang akan berisi nama blog anda, di atasnya ada menu yg bernama fox menu seperti ini:


lalu di bawah banner akan ada menu seperti di bawah in yg bernama cat menu:



langkah2 mengedit fox menu:

  1. pertama untuk fox menu,masuk ke bagian Layout, lalu ke Add Page Element
  2. cari bagian fox menu lalu klik edit
  3. akan ada box yg masih kosong lalu copy code di bawah ini:


    tulisan yg berwarna biru diganti sesuai keinginan anda..
    TOP-MENU-LINK-ADDRESS-HERE diganti dengan link alamat yang ingin anda tuju..
    YOUR-TOP-TITLE diganti dengan judul yang akan terlihat pada menu..
    HOVER-TOP-MENU diganti dengan judul yang akan terlihat pada box kuning kecil ketika anda mengarahkan mouse ke link tersebut..
  4. Setelah semua selesai, klik save template

CAT Menu

CAT menu biasanya digunakan untuk memberikan link ke bermacam-macam category atau label dari post anda..
Menu ini bisa menggunakan drop-down menu sebanyak anda butuhkan...jadi tinggal disesuaikan..

langkah-langkah untuk mengedit cat menu:

  1. masuk ke bagian layout lalu add page element
  2. cari bagian cat menu lalu klik edit
  3. Masukkan code di bawah ini ke box yang ada

    <ul class="sf-menu">

    <ul class="sf-menu">


  4. kode di ats seperti sebelumnya harus diganti sesuai keinginan anda..
    bagian yang berisi
    TITLE diganti dengan judul yang ingin terlihat pada menu..
    bagian yang berisi ADDRESS diganti dengan link ke alamat yang anda inginkan..
  5. klik save template

coba-cobalah dengan kombinasi kode di atas..
dengan begitu anda akan lebih mengerti..

selamat mencoba!

Sonor Force 3007

Posted by Ebenheizer

* Force 3007 Stage 2 drum sizes:
* 22" x 17-1/2" bass drum
* 10" x 8" and 12" x 9" floor toms
* 14" x 14" floor tom
* 5-1/2" x 14" snare drum
* Free 8" X 7" mounted tom
* Tom arm and clamp
* Cymbals and hardware sold separately

Sonor Force 3007 Stage 2 Shell Pack

The Sonor Force 3007 drum shells are the top model of the Force range designed especially for beginners and advancing drummers, but that can also offer an interesting alternative for semiprofessional drummers.The nine-layer maple shells in the Force 3007 Stage 2 shell pack offer an uncompromisingly rich and warm sound, highlighting lower pitches and providing balance in the mid-range and treble. Whether in the practice room, the recording studio, or on stage, a Force 3007 drum set won't let you down and ensures that you will always get through with the right level of power. Shells deliver maximum strength, perfect curving, and neutral tuning, thanks to tension-free cross lamination of the individual layers of wood (CLTF Cross Laminated Tension Free Process). Nine 7 mm layers for bass drums, toms, floor toms, and snare drums. The Sonor Force toms with short shells offer controlled sustain and give the drums a crisp attack.The Sonor Force eye-catching tuning lugs have fine-pitch threads and are equipped with the TuneSafe tuning-safeguard feature, which prevents tension screws from loosening. The Tom Mounting System delivers powerful sounds thanks to minimal shell contact. The vibration-free T.A.R. system (Total Acoustic Resonance) with APS provides for maximum resonance and sustain.The deep bass drum provides more power and rich bass drum sounds. Pre-muffled batter and resonance heads on the bass drum provide all-round powerful sounds and dynamic kicks. Position clamps (memory locks) remember the bass drum spur height you chose. The bass drum legs can be turned around so that they rest on either the rubber or the metal end and can be adjusted using a fastening screw. The inner workings of the bass drum bracket apply smooth yet firm pressure. Rubber padding beneath the bass drum claws protects the wooden rim against damage. Sonor heads made by Remo.Cymbals and hardware not included.

Order today with the no-risk assurance of our Total Satisfaction and Low Price Guarantees!

Pearl Vision Brich VBX

Posted by Ebenheizer

* 100% BirchBirch - A straight grained wood with a fine, even texture, birch is known for its
strength and resilience. Shells
* 6 ply 7.5mm Toms/ 8 ply 10mm Bass & Floor Tom
* Steel SensiTone Snare Drum w/ Chrome Finish
* Wood Bass Drum Hoops w/ Matching Finish
* Two-Ply Tom Batter Heads
* Perimeter EQ Bass Drum Heads w/ 3/5” Wide Rings
* Reference-Look Bridge Lugs w/ Rubber Gaskets
* Reference-Look Recessed BD Claws w/ Rubber Lining
* Bridge-Type Bass Bracket
* Uni-Lock Tom Holders
* 900 Series Hardware
* I.S.S. Tom Mounting System
* Beautiful Super High-Gloss Lacquer Finishes
* Black Drum Hardware on #235 Concord Fade

Free Add-On Tom
Beginning May 1st - July 31st, Pearl is offering a free 8x7 or 10x8 tom with the purchase of a new Vision Series drumset with mounting hardware. Visit the Free Vision Tom Site for more info.

100% select Birch shells
Birch drums feature boosted high frequencies, slightly reduced mids, and a good low end punch, ideal for live and recorded situations when you want extra presence and cut.

6/8 Shell Construction
6 plies in the rack tom shells and 8 plies in the floor tom and bass drum shells provide an amazingly balanced sound, unprecedented for this category.

Professional two ply heads
Two ply heads are easier to tune, and deliver a full, powerful sound right out of the box. Vision is the only series in its category to be packaged with two ply heads.

Yamaha Tour Custom

Posted by Ebenheizer

Air Seal System
All Yamaha wood drums have one thing in common. Our craftsmen create every drum shell using our exclusive staggered diagonal seam, Air Seal System just as they have since 1967. Each two or three-ply “master ply” is cut to length to very precise tolerance with a diagonal cut on each end. The diagonal seam in the drum shell will not separate, eliminating the need to fill gaps in the bearing edge with filler putty. These plies have glue applied and are then put into the mold by hand, one master play at a time. The craftsman then inserts an air bag into the mold and inflates it, “clamping” the shell with even pressure 360 degrees around. This process creates a shell that is strong, starts round, and stays round for many years.

100% Maple Shell
Tour Custom drum shells are 100% maple. The bass drums are 7-ply 7mm and have a warm, deep tone; the toms are 6-ply 6mm, with lots of warmth and resonance and have a wide tuning range. The matching wood snare drum has body, yet plenty of high end and is very articulate at all dynamic levels.

“Universal” Size Drums
Tour Custom drums are available in Yamaha’s ‘universal” sizes. This ratio of diameter to depth makes these drums versatile enough for any musical situation. The bass drums have low-end punch but are responsive, the toms have lots of power, yet great sustain. The 14”x6” matching wood snare drum has a very wide tuning range and great sensitivity so it is right at home on the road playing large venues or around town on a club date.

60 Degree Bearing Edges
All Tour Custom drums have 60-degree R2 bearing edges. This is something new for Yamaha on a maple shell drum set. This bearing edge has a rounder profile so that there is more shell to head contact. This gives the drums clarity in the low-end fundamental and added warmth.

Bass Drum Spurs
Sturdy, yet simple in design; the bass drum spurs hold the bass drum firmly in place even under heavy playing. They are height adjustable using a drum key, and there are steel spikes that can be exposed when extra hold is needed. They fold op compact for transport and are marked with angle indicators so that you can set them up the same every time.

YESS Tom and Floor Tom Brackets
All Tour Custom toms and floor toms use the YESS (Yamaha Enhanced Sustain System). The toms have a mount attached to the shell at the nodal point by two bolts. This system allows the drum shell to vibrate freely for maximum sustain without restricting with where the placement of the drums. The floor tom brackets are small, minimal contact mounts that are located at the nodal point. They hold the legs securely in place without restricting the vibration of the shell.

Ball Clamp and Triple Tom Holder
Tour Custom drum sets includes the TH-945 triple tom holder with our tom ball clamp that gives you 360-degree rotation. The ball, made of a super-hard resin, is held in place by a single bolt making angle adjustments on the toms quick and easy. The toms lock firmly in place at virtually any angle you want. This versatile tom holder lets you mount any combination of up to three toms and/or cymbals by using either the standard or the long version of our tom ball clamp and CH model cymbal booms.

Two Hardware Options
Tour Custom drum sets are available in any of the three suggested configurations with our 800 series double-braced hardware for going on the road, or our popular 700 series single-braced hardware for gigging around town. You can also get Tour Custom as a shell-pack with drums only or custom order your drum set ala carte from a full range of available component drums.

Four Beautiful Lacquer Finishes
Tour Custom drums are all finished in high-gloss lacquer, three translucent and one solid finish. The Brown Sunburst (BSB), Ocean Blue (OCB), and Sakura White (SAW) allow the beauty of the maple grain show through. The Black Onyx (BKO) is a deep, rich, solid black finish.

Splashstick Lite

Posted by Ebenheizer

Same design as the Splashstick but with smaller diameter dowels for lighter weight and smaller grip size.


Similar Models:
Splashstick Traditional Jazz
Splashstick | Splashstick Traditional | Splashstick Heavy

Monster Wood

Posted by Ebenheizer

The Monster Wood Brush features the same nylon bristles as in the Monster Brush and Little Monster, just placed in a traditional brush arrangement. The bristles give a funky and textured "swish" sound and great backbeat accents.The wood handle grip is a 5A sized diameter.


Educational Pack Intermediate

Posted by Ebenheizer

Vater now offers two great Educational pre-packs, perfect for band / orchestra students at the beginner and intermediate levels. Each pre-pack was designed to provide students the best stick and mallet combination to match their skill level.

Intermediate Pack includes:
1pr V-M2 Medium Marimba mallets
1pr V-M11 Hard Xylophone & Orchestra bell mallets
1pr T-6 General Timpani mallets
1pr Sweep Brush
1pr Sugar Maple Concert
1 Stick bag


Multi Pair Stick Holder

Posted by Ebenheizer

Vater's Stick Holders feature a unique clamp-style fastening system and is adjusted by an easy to turn knob. Depots on both the Single Pair and Multi-Pair Holders are adjustable for infinite angle adjustment of the sticks. Because of the fastening system, you won't find Vater's Stick Holders falling off your cymbal stands, which is a very common problem with other brands' Stick Holders.


Professional Drumming Gloves

Posted by Ebenheizer

Vater's gloves feature synthetic leather with a breathable mesh backing and elasticated panels on the sides of the fingers. This combination provides the drummer great flexibility, fit and improved ventilation to assure maximum comfort while performing. Vater's gloves improve grip and protect hands from blisters without compromising natural feel and sensitivity.

Medium - VDGM
Large - VDGL
Extra Large - VDGXL

Grid Tape

Posted by Ebenheizer

Vater's new Grip Tape is designed to offer drummers a very comfortable grip on their sticks. Vater's linen based Grip Tape is durable, absorbent and dries quickly. Vater's Grip Tape comes in White, Black, Red and Grey colors and is re-usable. Each package contains 4 rolls to wrap 2 pairs of sticks and each roll contains 2 end tapes for extra security on the stick.


Evans EC2

Posted by Ebenheizer

Evans EC2 Drum Heads, their new 2-ply heads, feature an Edge Control ring that isolates and dampens higher overtones, enhances low-end and attack, and enables broader tuning and dynamic ranges. Unlike conventionally damped heads, the EC2 will not choke at higher tuning ranges, or loose its full-bodied presence when tuned low.

Technical Info

Finish: Clear

Attack: Very Defined

Tone: Warm

Sustain: Focused

Feel: Moderate

Durability: High

Pearl Drum

Posted by Ebenheizer

Pearl was founded by Katsumi Yanagisawa, who began manufacturing music stands in Sumida, Tokyo on April 2, 1946. In 1950 Yanagisawa shifted his focus to the manufacturing of drums and named his company "Pearl Industry, Ltd."

By 1953, the company's name had been changed to "Pearl Musical Instrument Company," and manufacturing had expanded to include drum kits, marching drums, timpani, Latin percussion instruments, cymbals, stands, and accessories.

Yanagisawa's eldest son, Mitsuo, joined Pearl in 1957 and formed a division to export Pearl products worldwide. To meet increasing worldwide demand for drum kits following the advent of rock and roll music, in 1961 Pearl built a 15,000 sq ft (1,400 m2) factory in Chiba, Japan to produce inexpensive drum kits that bore the brand names of more than thirty distributors such as Maxwin, CB-700, Stewart, Werco, Ideal, Crest, Revelle, Revere, Lyra, Majestic, Whitehall, Apollo, Toreador, Roxy, and Coronet.

In 1965, Mitsuo formulated a long-range plan to bring Pearl to the forefront of the percussion industry. Under this plan, Pearl would 1) develop new products with quality equal to or better than products offered by established brand-name companies; 2) install the latest automated machinery in the Chiba factory to increase production; 3) establish a sister factory in Taiwan; and 4) establish a worldwide sales and service network.

As part of this plan, Pearl introduced its first professional drum kit, the "President Series," in 1966, and in 1973, the Pearl Musical Instrument Company of Taiwan became operational.

Today, Pearl's Taiwanese operation encompasses five factories whose output supplies nearly the entire worldwide market for Pearl products. The original Chiba factory now caters to the domestic Japanese market, producing drum kits, marching drums, timpani, and symphonic chimes.

Adams Musical Instruments are sold in the U.S. through Pearl dealers, Hughes and Kettner guitar and bass amplifiers are distributed through Pearl's main warehouse in Nashville, Tennessee and Sabian cymbals are distributed in Japan through Pearl dealers.

Pearl created several creative drum products, such as shells in the 70s that were made of a composite called "wood fibreglass." Additionally, Pearl combined roto-toms and these wood-fiber shells to create the Vari-Pitch line of drums. Other early innovations included shells that were slightly undersized, so that the drum head would extend over the edges, much like a gong drum. Pearl manufactured seamless, extruded acrylic shells that were different to the tabbed-and-seamed Vistalite shells used by Ludwig. Pearl also developed the hinged tube tom-arm: a design widely copied by many other drum manufacturers.

Pearl has made shells for more than 30 companies. In the 1960s, they ceased making shells for other companies, and began manufacturing drums under their own name and used the Pearl logo for the first time.[2] Pearl makes all of their drums in their own factories, there is no outsourcing. Pearl have recently started manufacturing their drums in China.

Their construction technique is known as SST or "Superior Shell Technology." All Pearl drums feature this construction. Each ply is placed into a cylinder, and pressure is applied from both sides. While in the press, the shell is heated to bring the glue to a boil, thus forcing it through the wood grain and fusing the shells very tightly. The individual plies are scarf jointed, and all the seams are offset, resulting in a "seamless" drum (Pearl demonstrates the strength by parking a Humvee with its tire on a tom shell). This creates a drum shell of incredible strength.

source: wikipedia

Yamaha Drum

Posted by Ebenheizer

Yamaha Drums is a subsidiary of the Yamaha Corporation. Yamaha has been building drums since 1967, and builds their drums by hand in Japan. Yamaha drums are also made in Indonesia. The company currently manufactures acoustic and electronic drum kits, as well as other percussion instruments, marching band equipment, and drum hardware. Many professional drummers have endorsement deals with Yamaha Drums.

In 1987, Yamaha acquired the Premier Percussion factory in England, in an attempt to establish the Yamaha name in the tougher European market. Yamaha placed machinery and trained the Premier craftsmen in the "Yamaha-way" of making drums, resulting in Premier producing a large number of Yamaha drums "made in England". In 1992, Yamaha withdrew and sold their stock shares back to Premier.

Yamaha has made many innovations in drum hardware. They were the first to introduce:

* a hide-away cymbal boom stand (a hide-away bass drum mounted boom arm was introduced by Premier in the 1950s),
* locking hi-hat clutch,
* Yamaha Enhanced Sustain System (YESS).

Yamaha drums are manufactured at two different locations in Asia. Their Osaka Japan factory produces their high-end professional drums, as well as all marching percussion. The research and development of new products also takes place here. Marketing is managed from the Yamaha Corp. headquarters in Hamamatsu, a few hours away.

The factory in Indonesia produces the Tour Custom series drums. The Indonesian factory uses the same machinery and techniques in the making of a drum shell, and all craftsmen working there are trained by Japanese craftsmen from the Osaka site.

The only difference between these two plants is that the Osaka plant uses the more exclusive woods (maple, birch and oak); and a produces a larger range of options in sizes and finishes. In addition to the drum production; several smaller sites in Osaka also produce their classical percussion instruments, such as timpani, marimba, xylophone, vibraphone and glockenspiel.

Yamaha’s hardware manufacturing process was developed in the Yamaha motorcycle factory, but manufacturing has been moved to a factory in China. All manufacturing processes are the same, however. For these reasons Yamaha drum hardware has been the standard for backline and cartage companies all over the world for decades.

source: wikipedia

Sonor Drum

Posted by Ebenheizer

Sonor (Pronounced: suh-NOOR) is a German percussion manufacturer. Founded 1875 as a percussion manufacturer, Sonor drum sets and hardware are both revered and notorious for being constructed in a very durable, painstaking, and therefore, unusually heavy manner (older models). One of the oldest existing models of drums manufactured by Sonor is a 1942 Johannes Link Parade Snare, a very heavy snare drum with an aluminum shell and thick tension rods. Sonor drums have a reputation for being very expensive but are the weapon of choice for many studios and professional musicians. In the 1980s Sonor's tagline was "The Rolls of drums". This was an allusion to the perfectionist (and expensive) way they constructed their drum shells. They made very thick (13mm) and heavy shells that were beech wood, with an innermost and outermost ply of furniture-grade veneers, such as Rosewood and Bubinga. Nicko McBrain of Iron Maiden was one of the most prominent Sonor artists of the 80's, along with Steve Smith of Journey, Phil Rudd of AC/DC, and jazzman Jack DeJohnette.

Sonor is the inventor of the modern screw thread drum-construction that laid the foundation for today's modern drum set, and the inventor of the metal snare drum. Both invented in the early 20th century. William F. Ludwig got this idea in his early years back in Germany from Sonor and began to use it later in Chicago

Sonor was also the first manufacturer that produced seam-less metal and bronze shells (Signature Series in the 80s)

As the 1980s progressed, the market began to stray away from thick heavy shells and Sonor started slimming down its shells with a line called "Sonorlite" and "Hilite". This marked a shift in philosophy that dictated that a drum shell should resonate like a violin or guitar body. The thinner the shell, the lower the fundamental tone.

Sonor drums have several unique design features, including under-sized shells (a similar concept to a violin bridge - designed to enhance response), a unique vertical/stave drumshell design, and tension rods which are round and feature a slot instead of the traditional square style (though recently Sonor made square heads standard, with slotted heads available as an option). Recently, Sonor re-introduced the designer X-Ray Acrylic drums, marking the first time in 20 years Sonor offered acrylic drums. These shells are made from seamless, extruded acrylic and feature acrylic hoops.

Sonor's exotic finishes and tonal quality are still coveted by amateurs and professionals alike. Used Sonor drums are collectors items.

Current Sonor artists include Mikkey Dee of Motorhead, Danny Carey of Tool; Thomas Lang, Austrian-born drum clinician; Gavin Harrison of Porcupine Tree; Paul Bostaph, former drummer for Slayer, Exodus, and Forbidden;,long-time AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd;Ken Serio a New York session and touring drummer, Adam Nussbaum , great jazz drummer, Jazz legend Jack DeJohnette,Steve Smith, Joe Winters of The Steepwater Band; Jojo Mayer, New York City session drummer, clinician, and drummer for drum-and-bass project NERVE; Rob Rivera of Nonpoint; ; Sam Segurado of Tails; James Knox of The Business and many more.

The Sonor drum lines:

Force 3000 Series (Initially Made in Germany until 3001 series introduced. Production was then moved to China): At inception, the Force 3000 series was developed and marketed as an upper-midline level, bringing Sonor build quality and tone capabilities to a more mainstream market. Features were Scandinavian birch shells with options of quality lacquer finishes. When production moved to the Far East, it fell into the "budget" lines.

Force 507: The Sonor's least expensive line, aimed at beginners. It has 9-ply basswood shells and lower-grade hardware than the rest of the Force series.

Force 1007: 9-ply basswood shells.

Force 2007: 9-ply birchwood shells.

Force 3007: The top of Sonor's budget lines, with 9-ply maple shells

German-made Professional lines:

S Classix: made of thin Scandinavian birchwood shells, this line offers both vintage and veneer finishes.

Delite: made of extremely thin vintage maple shells, this line offers veneer and fade finishes.

SQ2: Sonor's top line of drums, this line is custom made according to the customer's specifications, including shell material, shell thickness, lug color and type, hoop color and type, and inside and outside finishes.

Steve Smith 30th Anniversary Kit: The drum kit is based on Steve’s setup that he has been using for over twenty years. Steve uses this setup in studio sessions and live on tour with his groups Vital Information and Jazz Legacy. All shells are hand-made by Sonor craftsman in Germany. The shells are made of Beech Wood with a Birdseye amber outer veneer and are constructed to make the drum kit a versatile work of art. Whereas the 20"x 16" Bass Drum shell is made out of 6.1 mm, 9-ply Beech Wood, the 14"x 14" and 16"x 16" Floor Toms as well as the 8"x 8", 10"x 8" and 12"x 8" Tom Toms and the 12"x 5" Snare Drum are made out of 8.1 mm, 9-ply Beech Wood. The Bass Drum comes equipped with a removable Felt Strip on both the batter and resonant sides. Phonic style Claw Hooks with wing screws gives the kit a Vintage look. The specially engraved badges on all shells just give a hint what this beautiful kit is all about.

Sonor also makes African, Latin, Marching, and other percussion equipment.

Source : Wikipedia